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  • 19 Feb 2025 11:10 PM | Sarah Li (Administrator)


    紧接着,2月1日(周六)下午3点,Pro+在St. Clair West & Keele的BATL Axe Throwing Stockyards组织了一场线下聚会。成员们体验了投斧子的独特乐趣,感受维京战士的风采。活动现场气氛热烈,大家在轻松愉快的环境中增进了彼此的了解。

    展望2025年,CCFA Pro+精心策划了多样化的活动,涵盖专业培训、跨行业探索、前沿科技讨论以及休闲社交等方面,旨在为成员提供全方位的发展平台。我们热忱欢迎现有成员推荐优秀的专业人士加入Pro+,共同壮大我们的精英团队。


    编辑:Jack Liu

  • 27 Jun 2024 9:26 PM | Anonymous

    Toronto, Canada, June 27, 2024-The Chinese Canadian Finance Association (CCFA) announced the successful conclusion of its inaugural speed mentoring program in collaboration with Youth Employment Services (YES), a leading non-profit organization focused on youth employment in Canada.

    The event, held on June 17, paired mentors from CCFA with young job seekers from YES. This initiative highlights CCFA's commitment to building stronger local ties, expanding its outreach, and contributing to society through professionalism and dedication.

    "The speed mentoring program is a groundbreaking effort for CCFA in partnering with a local organization beyond the Chinese community in Canada. It aligns with our mission to 'Engage, Empower, and Enrich' both present and future professionals and broaden our influence," said Emily Gu, President of CCFA.

    Conducted in virtual breakout rooms, the speed mentoring session allowed mentors to connect with small groups (1-3 youth per group) in several short rotations. During these sessions, young job seekers could ask questions about employment opportunities and seek career development advice. In addition to gaining insights from mentors' professional experiences, the event helped young participants build confidence in networking with industry leaders.

    The first batch of CCFA mentors were primarily selected from CCFA Pro+, an elite cohort of mid-level business leaders and seasoned professionals. With diverse backgrounds, these mentors brought a wealth of professional and life experience, offering guidance on high-quality networking and helping the youth thrive.

    YES is a leader in Canadian youth employment training, programming, and job placement, serving tens of thousands annually with a nearly 90% success rate. The organization created youth employment services in Canada in 1968 and has since helped hundreds of thousands of youth, many disadvantaged, directly and millions indirectly.

    "We at YES were thrilled to host our first mentorship event with the Chinese Canadian Finance Association. This online session provided invaluable mentorship opportunities to our youth, made possible by the generous support of CCFA volunteers. We extend our heartfelt appreciation for their dedication to empowering our community through mentorship," said Tim Lang, CEO of YES.

    Founded in 2001, CCFA has played a pivotal role in establishing a robust network of finance professionals and scholars across Canada, China, and beyond. With nearly 5,000 active members and followers, CCFA serves as a dynamic bridge, cultivating key business relationships, identifying promising investment opportunities, and promoting high-standard financial education based on industry best practices.

    For inquiries, please contact:

    Wei He
  • 10 May 2024 11:30 AM | Anonymous

    5月5日上周日,我们成功举办了CCFA Pro+今年的第四场活动—AI实验室,有机会让金融领域的专业人士亲身体验AI的应用魅力!

    活动主讲人Calson Sheng带领大家展开深入讨论,主持人是Oliver Xin。

    【Carlson Sheng: Versatile Entrepreneur, founding Next 36, specializing in machine learning and industrial automation and AI solutions】







    This past Sunday, we hosted CCFA's 4th Pro+event: the first-ever AI Lab with hands-on AI applications for finance professionals! This event featured a panel led byCalson Shengand was facilitated by Oliver Xin. Calson discussed three common use-cases for AI and broke down misconceptions about the use of AI in the finance industry. Some concerns were discussed related to AI privacy and data security, and Calson explained how large banks could tackle such security concerns.

    Calson then led a workshop and introduced three AI tools that could benefit finance professionals:
    PDF.aiutilizes artificial intelligence to summarize PDF documents. It employs algorithms to accurately extract text and images, saving professionals time reading long documents. Additionally,PDF.aioffers features like optical character recognition (OCR) to convert scanned PDFs into editable text.

    2. Gamma (
    Gamma is a platform that creates slideshows using user-generated prompts. The interface is very flexible, allowing users to customize slide deck headings and colours before creating the result. Users can download the finalized slide deck in PDF and pptx formats.

    3. Suno (
    Suno is an AI-music generation platform that allows anyone to be a musician. Users can enter simple prompts and algorithms will generate music of a desired genre with auto-generated lyrics. Using this software the CCFA team was able to generate a CCFA theme song!

    This workshop highlighted some of the many ways AI can improve business processes and streamline operations for professionals in all industries. Whether through simplifying workflow or data cleansing, AI tools can enhance the efficiency of learning and work but also bring us surprises and funs,interactive moments to our lives.

    Thanks for everyone's participation and dedication and Calson‘s great sharing to putting technology at the service of humanity, allowing everyone to enjoy the creativity and boundless possibilities brought by technology. The future is already here!

  • 10 May 2024 11:00 AM | Anonymous





    May 7 marked a landmark day for CCFA at the CPAC Job Fair! From 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. our team engaged with hundreds of inquiries about finance-related career opportunities, demonstrating the vibrant interest and dynamic potential within our community.

    Nearly 2,000 participants—mainly new immigrants and international students from Asia, including China, India, Pakistan, and Eastern Europe—came in waves. Over 20 esteemed institutions and top companies from the Greater Toronto Area were present, giving job seekers the opportunity to connect, discuss career paths, and explore potential job openings.

    At CCFA, we pride ourselves on being a unified platform for financial professionals. We leverage our wide networks and deep industry resources to facilitate knowledge exchange and provide practical workplace advice. As president of CCFA, I'd like to extend a special thank you to our dedicated volunteers—Lili, Jay, and Ryan—who took personal vacation time to support this initiative. Your commitment exemplifies the spirit of community and the impact of our collective efforts!

    Events as such are crucial—not only do they provide job seekers with a clear understanding of market demands, but also give them a chance to practice their pitching skills to prospective employers. Moreover, their enthusiasm reaffirm our commitment to creating public value and enriching our community. Thanks to everyone who participated and made this event a success!

  • 11 Apr 2024 11:00 AM | Anonymous





    接下来由Wendy Wang分享了她的经历和对CCFA及Raymond James的看法。Wendy是麦克马斯特大学的校友,拥有商业学士学位,后获得MBA学位。在银行业工作15年后,现在任职于Raymond James的合规部门。她强调了大多国际留学生面临的挑战,以及建立社交网络的重要性。她认为CCFA能够提供社区归属感和交流平台,不仅是找工作时的有效资源,也是与有相似背景和经历的人建立联系的途径。





  • 11 Apr 2024 10:09 AM | Anonymous



    1. Dr. Bill Qiu - BMO企业财务部平衡表SMR分析经理

    2. Ernest Lok – Scotiabank全球现金管理流动性风险报告经理

    3. Yicent Chen - BMO资本市场交易分析主管、CCFA副会长

    嘉宾们不仅向学生们介绍了金融行业内各个部门的职能,还分享了职业发展规划的建议。值得一提的是,临近活动尾声时,Yicent隆重介绍了BMO 2025年暑期实习生项目(Internship),并特别鼓励即将迈入大三的同学们抓住这个机会,积极申请参加。



  • 20 Mar 2024 10:33 PM | Anonymous


    3月9日,我们特别为CCFA Pro+成员策划了一次别开生面的North Horizon探索之旅。这次难得的参访让我们有机会揭开family wealth management神秘的面纱,得以一窥family office的独特魅力。

    二十位CCFA Pro+会员实地探访了行业前沿享有盛誉的华人家族办公室North Horizon,深入了解了他们的投资策略,并洞察到灵活的投资方式和较宽松的监管环境为其带来的日益增长的吸引力。

    North Horizon在过去三年里有着极其显著的成长,规模扩大了三倍。他们对多元化投资的注重以及对不同领域顶尖人才的珍视。这样卓尔不凡的发展体现了North Horizon的雄心,同时也为CCFA开创了独一无二的机遇。如果想了解潜在的职业机会,可以移步 获取更多信息~

    在活动中,拥有着多元背景的CCFA Pro+成员们展开了热烈的讨论,他们来自IT、项目管理、金融和会计等等不同领域,进一步彰显了多元化的价值。这种多样性是增长与财富创造的强大助力。


    感谢本文内容提供者,Pro+会员Janet Zhang~

  • 28 Jan 2024 7:52 PM | Anonymous

    CCFA Pro+ first event in 2024! In December, we celebrated the grand launch of CCFA Pro+, our elite group of finance professionals on business excellence. This past January 28th we had our first major campaign, centered on the dynamic world of brand management.

    Joined by nearly 20 dedicated professionals, we embarked on an enriching journey through detailed brand case studies, integrating both games and workout sessions for a truly interactive experience.

    Diving into the realms of marketability, visibility, and credibility was a novel venture for our group of financial experts. The group used the metrics learned from the session to reflect on branding strategies and tactics for organizations and for each individual professional as well.

    A special shoutout to our esteemed guest speaker, branding guru @Danielle Chen, for her enlightening perspectives. Additionally, our collaboration with @SHERO Club - a trailblazing female health management club and one of our key business cases - added a unique dimension to our discussions!

    Stay tuned for more updates on CCFA Pro+ as we continue to explore and redefine the boundaries of professional excellence!

    品牌铸就影响力:CCFA Pro+ 2024年度重磅开局!

    各位伙伴们,新年好啊~2023CCFA年终盛典上,我们宣布了CCFA Pro+的诞生!这是一个专为泛金融职场打造的精英俱乐部,首批入驻的基石成员是通过严格挑选后邀请制加入的哦!

    128日,我们迎来了CCFA Pro+的年度首秀。这不仅仅是一场讨论品牌影响力的深度对话,更是一次脑洞大开的商业案例挑战赛!

    活动现场,动静结合,完美秉承了CCFA一向专业但不呆板的精神(小编的理解哦)。从SHERO CLUB创始人的精彩分享到激动人心的团队游戏,我们不仅结识了一众优秀华人品牌,还见证了品牌联动的无限可能。

    大脑全速运转,讨论热烈!我们的外部导师、资深品牌战略专家Danielle Chen带我们深挖品牌理论,深入浅出剖析品牌力的几大矩阵。小组汇报环节精彩纷呈,大家为品牌优化开出了一剂剂实用良方。


    2024年是CCFA Pro+的元年。成立伊始我们就立过flag,希望年内举办8场不同主题的精彩活动。快来关注我们,一起看看我们能否完成这激动人心的8次打卡挑战呢?

  • 18 Dec 2023 7:41 PM | Anonymous

    Pro+ Initiative Launched to Pioneer a New Era of Financial Leadership and Collaboration

    Dec 10, 2023, Toronto, ON, Canada] – The Canadian-Chinese Finance Association (CCFA) hosted its grand Christmas Gala on December 10, 2023, bringing together 260 distinguished guests from the finance sector. This annual event underscored CCFA's mission to “Engage, Empower, and Enrich” finance professionals with Chinese roots, Canadian connections, and global aspirations. The gala was a celebration of milestone launches, prestigious awards, and captivating performances, symbolizing the community's dynamic spirit and talent.

    Visionary Leadership and Keynote Insights

    Emily Gu, the newly-elected President of CCFA, shared her inspirational journey and vision for the association. Her commitment to elevating Canadian finance professionals through global market access and professional development opportunities is set to propel CCFA forward.

    The gala also featured a keynote address by John Christofilos, a renowned finance expert with three decades of experience. His insights on navigating the evolving market landscape, with a focus on balancing "Recency bias vs. long-term fundamentals," resonated deeply with attendees.

    Pro+: Elevating Financial Excellence

    One highlight of the evening was the launch of the Pro+ consortium (金融加), an exclusive network for mid-level business leaders and seasoned professionals. As the latest embodiment of CCFA’s mission to “Engage, Empower and Enrich” the local finance community, Pro+ aims to foster high-quality networking, business investment, and cross-industry collaboration.

    The gala witnessed some cornerstone members kick-start this initiative, a significant milestone in our journey towards global finance excellence. By invitation only, the program offers premium networking, professional development, real business case reviews, and on-site tours and learning. The pilot phase invited 20 professionals for a three-year engagement, including roundtables, virtual salons, and business excursions, strengthening connections with influential financial capitals worldwide.

    Celebrating Achievements: CCFA Annual Awards

    The CCFA Christmas Gala was also a moment to honor outstanding individuals in the finance community. The Mentor Award was bestowed upon Henry Tse, recognizing his exceptional guidance and support to emerging professionals. Jason Ruan received the Young Talent Award for his innovative contributions as an emerging leader. The Innovative Fintech Award was awarded to Spencer Xu, highlighting his groundbreaking work in financial technology. Hao Tian was honored with the Woman in Finance Award for her significant impact and leadership in the finance sector. Zibo Zhou received the Community Spotlight Award for his remarkable involvement and dedication to the volunteer works at the association. Last but not the least, the Partner Excellence Award was presented to the Deloitte FEM Team, led by Ivy Hou, for their outstanding collaboration and support to the CCFA.

    The CCFA community's talents shone brightly, with memorable performances by Fei Ye and Cathy Xi Chen on the violin, Ariana Tianai Wang's Latin dance, and a band performance led by Alex. The event thrived on the support from the following sponsors: Surfin, TD, Equitable Bank, Enoch Wealth, TopCareer, North Horizon, iDC, Chinada, CCIA, ChinaTelecom, XINFLIX ENTREPRENEUR CLUB, Nature Financial, LE BLANC, flow alkaline spring water, VirgoCx, Spark Show Production. 

    Looking ahead, CCFA continues to be committed to its mission, playing a pivotal role in the global financial landscape while enriching its members' professional and personal lives.

  • 18 Dec 2023 7:09 PM | Anonymous

    2023年12月10日,CCFA金融协会在万锦希尔顿酒店成功举办了“举贤 赋能 聚力”金融圣诞晚宴。超过200位企业代表、业内资深人士和商会领袖共聚盛会,共享了一场视觉和听觉的饕餮盛宴。

    主席Emily Gu热情欢迎各位嘉宾,分享了自2017年以来的成长历程。她特别感谢了前辈们和志愿者们的辛勤付出,并充满信心地展望了CCFA的未来。此外,她宣布CCFA最新倡议“Alliance Pro+”的正式启动,该创新项目旨在通过与十年以上专业经验的金融专业人士的协同合作,实现更大的社会影响。

    盛宴不仅邀请到AGF Investment Inc.公司资深副总裁John Christofilos详细阐述了交易员工作的演变历程,更有就读于多伦多大学Rotmam商学院的王天爱带来的拉丁舞表演、多伦多大学电气与计算机工程系光子学博士叶飞和数学家小提琴家陈曦的精彩小提琴演奏以及从事咨询顾问的主唱带领下的不存在主义Cafe乐队的助阵,将整场活动推向高潮。


    CCFA以“举贤 赋能 聚力”为主题,致力于促进金融领域的合作与凝聚。在此特别感谢各位赞助商的大力支持,使本次活动得以圆满成功。期待未来CCFA将继续发扬光大,为金融行业的发展贡献更多力量!

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