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CCFA Pro+ first event in 2024!

28 Jan 2024 7:52 PM | Anonymous

CCFA Pro+ first event in 2024! In December, we celebrated the grand launch of CCFA Pro+, our elite group of finance professionals on business excellence. This past January 28th we had our first major campaign, centered on the dynamic world of brand management.

Joined by nearly 20 dedicated professionals, we embarked on an enriching journey through detailed brand case studies, integrating both games and workout sessions for a truly interactive experience.

Diving into the realms of marketability, visibility, and credibility was a novel venture for our group of financial experts. The group used the metrics learned from the session to reflect on branding strategies and tactics for organizations and for each individual professional as well.

A special shoutout to our esteemed guest speaker, branding guru @Danielle Chen, for her enlightening perspectives. Additionally, our collaboration with @SHERO Club - a trailblazing female health management club and one of our key business cases - added a unique dimension to our discussions!

Stay tuned for more updates on CCFA Pro+ as we continue to explore and redefine the boundaries of professional excellence!

品牌铸就影响力:CCFA Pro+ 2024年度重磅开局!

各位伙伴们,新年好啊~2023CCFA年终盛典上,我们宣布了CCFA Pro+的诞生!这是一个专为泛金融职场打造的精英俱乐部,首批入驻的基石成员是通过严格挑选后邀请制加入的哦!

128日,我们迎来了CCFA Pro+的年度首秀。这不仅仅是一场讨论品牌影响力的深度对话,更是一次脑洞大开的商业案例挑战赛!

活动现场,动静结合,完美秉承了CCFA一向专业但不呆板的精神(小编的理解哦)。从SHERO CLUB创始人的精彩分享到激动人心的团队游戏,我们不仅结识了一众优秀华人品牌,还见证了品牌联动的无限可能。

大脑全速运转,讨论热烈!我们的外部导师、资深品牌战略专家Danielle Chen带我们深挖品牌理论,深入浅出剖析品牌力的几大矩阵。小组汇报环节精彩纷呈,大家为品牌优化开出了一剂剂实用良方。


2024年是CCFA Pro+的元年。成立伊始我们就立过flag,希望年内举办8场不同主题的精彩活动。快来关注我们,一起看看我们能否完成这激动人心的8次打卡挑战呢?


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