CCFA Speaker Series – Why I Care about Charity?
Title: Why I Care about Charity?
Time: Friday, May 22nd, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM (ET)
Location: Walker Room, FCP 68th floor, 100 King St. W., Toronto, ON, Canada
No outside food is allowed on this floor,sorry for the inconvenience.
Speaker: Stanley Kwan FCPA, FCA, MBA
Registration link:
CCFA will donate any net-income of this event to the Fu Hui Education Foundation:
Stanley will share some stories about his career and involvement in charity work. The presentation will mainly cover two parts. First, how charity work impacts on his business development; Second, how charity work impacts on his personal development. Stanley will also discuss why he is enthusiastic about charity work.
Stanley was formerly the Managing Partner of one of the largest Chinese accounting practices and a senior tax manager at Deloitte. Stanley has been involved with many non-profit organizations in the community including Yee Hong Community Wellness Foundation, Carefirst Seniors & Community Services Association, Chinese Professional Association of Canada, Taiwan Entrepreneurs Society Taipei Toronto and Royal Ontario Museum Trustee, as well as Buddha’s Light International Association of Toronto.
In 2004, with a group of his close friends, Stanley founded Fu Hui Education Foundation, a registered Canadian charity, and mobilized his friends to start providing financial assistance and mentorship to poor children and young people in China.
Stanley graduated from McMaster University in 1975 with a MBA degree. Stanley was awarded a Fellowship by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario in 2008 and was admitted by McMaster University into its Alumni Gallery in 2009. He was also awarded the Queen Elizabeth Jubilee Award in 2012.
Stanley 1975年在McMaster大学获得MBA学位, 2008年被授予安大略省特许会计师协会会员资格,2009年Stanley加入McMaster校友画廊。2012年,他被授予英国女王伊丽莎白禧年奖。
本次活动产生的所有结余CCFA 将会全部捐助给福慧教育基金: