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  • 20 Mar 2008 1:15 AM | Anonymous
    Dear CCFA Members,

    It is the time of the year to renew your CCFA membership. CCFA executive team would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the continued support and contribution throughout the years.

    Why do we need to pay the membership fee? First, the fee helps CCFA to carry out various programs for its members and for the organization. Without your support, we wouldn't have achieved so many great executions in the past year, for example:
    1.  Various professional development seminars
    2.  Risk management training for ICBC (Industrial and Commerce Bank of China) delegates
    3.  “Chunhui Project” to introduce Modern Commercial Banking for BaoTou Commerce Bank in Inner Mongolia
    4.  Mentorship program for MBA students at Schulick School of York University
    5.  Annual Bay Street Chinese Christmas Party.
    6.  Summer B.B.Q. Party
    It also shows the commitment of a member to CCFA.

    When is the annual fee due? Normally, we collect membership fee at the end of each year. However, it is always very busy during the year-end. We decide to move it to the spring of each year.

    What is the difference between a fee-paid member and others? We will try our best to improve the service quality so that our members can benefit from the programs as much as possible. At the same time, we will gradually differentiate fee-paid members from others so that the value of membership stands out. For instance, fee-paid members may enjoy certain privileges in CCFA’s programs and information database.

    Is the membership fee tax exempted? Unfortunately, CCFA is a non-profitable organization but not a charitable or a trade union. All the fee paid is not tax exempted.

    Who controls the fee use? The board of directors, through the executive team, of CCFA. All expenses are approved and cleared by CCFA finance committee and controller.

    In the next year, we are continuing to work on the traditional events as well as exploring new programs and activities with the aim to broaden our members' professional horizon and promote the academic and professional exchange between the Canadian and Chinese financial industries.

    Once again, your ideas and suggestions are always welcome. This is the only way we can make the community a better place!

    Membership Payment
    1.   In terms of the membership renewal, we are collecting the annual membership due of $20 (for 2008-2009). The payment should be received by March 31, 2008.
    2.   If you have paid the fee with a receipt stating for the year 2007-2008, you are exempted. However, in this case you need to inform Juliana by sending email to
    3.   Student membership is NOT collected now.
    4.   You may make the payments by March 31, 2008, in any of the following three manners:
    a)   By personal cheque: payable to
    Canadian-Chinese Finance Association
    and mail to Juliana Ding at

    23rd Floor FCP, Area D,
    100 King Street West,
    Toronto, ON
    M5X 1A1

    b)   By Bank Deposit: A printed receipt should be required at teller desk. A deposit reference number is on the printed receipt. If you do not ask for a PRINTED receipt, tellers do not give you one (business deposit is not like personal deposit). People who have paid by bank deposit should inform us the reference number afterwards via e-mail to
    Bank name:       RBC Royal Bank
    Account name:       Canadian-Chinese Finance Association
    Account number:      00002-101-4836

    c)   By cash: pay to Juliana Ding at

    23rd Floor FCP, Area D,
    100 King Street West,
    Toronto, ON
    M5X 1A1


    CCFA Executive Team, March 20, 2008
  • 14 Dec 2007 12:55 PM | Anonymous

    1.   举办了多次演讲。演讲者有加拿大安大略省驻上海商务代表宋毅军博士、加拿大资本市场妇女协会(WCM)的两位华人代表Jacqui Szeto, Murina Chan等。
    2.   成功为来访的中国工商银行的代表团做现代风险管理的培训。
    3.   CCFA夏日烧烤餐会。(照片:
    4.   组建“春晖计划”赴内蒙古自治区访问团,进行“现代西方金融演讲”。
    5.   推出CCFA和约克大学商学院的“导师制计划”。(照片:
    6.   成功举办了“第15次BAY街中国人圣诞晚会”。(照片:,
    7.   CCFA更新了网站设计,并在不断完善之中。

    在 2008年里,我们将继续扩大CCFA的活动范围,更多地开展有利于我们在事业、生活等方面发展的项目;多为社区做公益活动;加强和其他相关团体的交往; 进一步促进中、加在金融领域的交流。我们也非常希望会员们能积极参与CCFA的建设,多提建议,多为CCFA的活动出力。我们相信,办好CCFA符合在加 拿大的全体中国金融人士的利益,有利于加拿大的金融业的发展。



    Dear CCFA members and friends:

    In 2007, with the help from many of you, CCFA had a very solid and fruitful year. Here are the highlights of some very successful programs:

    1.   Organized a series of professional seminars for members, such as Sino-Canada Trade by Dr. Yijun Song, Bay Street Successful Story by Jacqui Szeto, and Career Development by Murina Chan.
    2.   Trained visiting delegate of ICBC (Industrial and Commerce Bank of China) on Risk Management.
    3.   Held CCFA’s Summer B.B.Q. Party (about 100 people showed up)
    4.   Organized “Chunhui Project” group to introduce Modern Commercial Banking for BaoTou Commerce Bank in Inner Mongolia.
    5.   Launched Mentorship Program for MBA students at Schulick School of York University.
    6.   Organized the 15th Bay Street Chinese Christmas Party (about 250 people attended).
    7.   Revised CCFA’s web design.

    In the coming year, we plan to do more, of course with your continued support.

    On behalf of Executive Team and Board of Directors of CCFA, I wish you and your family a happy and safe holiday season.

    Ti Wang
  • 21 Nov 2007 12:32 AM | Anonymous
    由王勇博士及金燕敏女士翻译的John Hull教授的风险管理专著“Risk Management and Financial Institutions” 已经在国内出版发行,中文版书名为《风险管理与金融机构》。详情请见
  • 24 Oct 2007 11:19 PM | Anonymous
    10月18日晚,多伦多华语社区各界人士聚集多伦多万锦 市,与加拿大史维会多伦多分会负责人共商纪念“南京大屠杀”70周年事宜。来自多伦多国语社区的热心人士通过探讨, 分别从不同角度强调了恢复二战历史真实面目的现实意义, 倡议进一步提高广大民众对这段历史的认知度,以防止该悲剧在人类历史上重演, 推动世界和平进程。


    参加国语社区集会的各界人士出策献力,准备通过各种方式积极参与这些纪念活动, 讨论通过了诸如向各中英文媒体传递信息,引起各族裔的广泛关注; 组织发动各国语社团支持和参加各项纪念活动; 教育下一代牢记历史等议题。计划与各大报刊网站合作, 开设纪念“南京大屠杀”70周年的专栏并在网上发起论坛,吸引民众对此项活动的关注和参与.

    筹款方面希望能在多个场 合售卖“张纯如”电影票及慈善音乐会门票,开展募捐活动, 并将长期协助推售张纯如撰写的《南京大屠杀》等书, 以达教育后代、筹集捐款之目的。据史维会负责人介绍,所筹款项将用于以下几项工作: 推广《张纯如-南京大屠杀》影片(多语种)在全球放映;编印关于亚洲二战历史的教材,分发给加拿大各中学和其它教育团体、图书馆、博物馆等;每年安排加拿 大中学历史教师前往中国了解二战历史等。

    过去一年来,史维会举办了一系列活动以纪念南京大屠杀70周年,包括:视觉艺 术比赛及展览,2007年史实之旅;组织社区联盟,请求加拿大国会支持通过291号动议---促日本政府正式向“慰安妇”做出道歉及赔偿;于5月29日在 环球邮报刊登全页呼吁,促请加拿大政府与人民正视“慰安妇”问题;动援大量义工于华人商场收集4万多个支持“慰安妇”法案的市民签名。

    该 会计划于10月28日(周六)假Premiere Ballroom & Convention Centre举行「南京大屠杀70周年」筹款晚宴,藉以筹募经费。 筹款晚宴中将会放映「张纯如」电影片段,播放2007年史实之旅纪录片,让大家有机会一同分享史维会过去数年的工作报告及成绩,另外,当晚还将有其他精采 节目及悼念活动。
    If you want to show your support, please contact Yong Wang for tickets:
    1). Fundraising dinner ticket on Oct/28 (Saturday) ($70 each)
    2).  Screening of the film "The Rape of Nanking" ($100, price include complimentary copy of "The Nanking Massacre-70 Years of Amnesia" Commemorative Book value $50, and a reception with Iris Chang's parents) on Sunday, Nov/11/07.
    3). Watch the film "The Rape of Nanking" on Nov/20 (Tuesday) at The Bloor Cinema ($30 each including a complimentary copy of the "The Nanking Massacre-70 Years of Amnesia" Commemorative Book).
    4). Concert on Dec/13, the 70th Anniversary of the Nanking Massacre .

    华裔社区共同纪念"南京大屠杀"死难者70周年 - 新闻频道 - CTTV 华人电视台





  • 10 Oct 2007 7:47 AM | Anonymous
    Dear fellow CCFA members:
    It's that time of the year again! It's time for our annual ritual: execute the project to host the Bay Street Chinese Xmas Party!

    So you know what we are after: volunteers to make it happen, volunteers to create yet another memorable event. And we need to put together the following teams:

    1. the MC team. This will be the sole and spirit of the day. Karen and Ken have served very well in the past two years. While they can continue serving us for the foreseeable future, it's a good idea to encourage new faces to stand out, and Karen and Ken have expressed their willingness to offer this wonderful opportunity to show talents to others. Please recommend and encourage those who you think can perform well as an MC to forward their names to We shall have an audition!

    2. the ticket team. We shall need as many volunteers to help distribute the tickets as possible. Please volunteer yourselves to We shall start promoting and selling tickets soon.

    3. the gate-keeper team. This team will help put things in order on the day of the party, including ticket collection, entrance order keeping, and general helpers. Please volunteer yourselves and encourage others to volunteer to or Charles Cai [].

    4. the fund-raising team. Well, you know how important this is. Please forward your ideas to
    And please be prepared to be called upon to help out (so it fares better to volunteer:-)
    Also, we shall continue our tradition of self entertainment; that is, we shall require those who have a talent to show to come out and entertain ourselves. We've tried the "Bay Street Idol" idea. We continue invite all ideas that entertain. Please spread the words, and forward your ideas and names that you recommend for a "talent show" to

    Thank you for your volunteering, and together, let's set up a party that people will long to come!
    CCFA Bay Street Chinese Xmas Party Commettee.
  • 26 Sep 2007 3:13 AM | Anonymous
    此 次活动是在中国教育部国际司、中国驻多伦多总领事馆和教育组、包头市商业银行、中央国债结算公司等单位的关心帮助下成行的。访问团成员有:黄厚本博士 (BMO,风险管理)、王体博士(RBC,固定收益)、蒋丹芃女士(Barclays,证券化)、黄丽娟女士(BMO,信贷风险)、王英猛博士 (CIBC,资产负债管理)、陈鑫源(CIBC,证券化运作)等6人组成。他们都是在其领域工作多年的专家。
  • 26 Sep 2007 2:48 AM | Anonymous
    为 了帮助MBA学生尽快适应加拿大的金融业,加中金融协会今年推出了导师制,并选中约克大学SCHULICH商学院作为第一次的试点。此次计划由30位 MBA学生和加中金融协会近30位会员结成导师学员关系,采用多种形式帮助学生解答关于加拿大金融业的各种问题,为学生尽快了解和适应这里的工作、就业环 境和文化背景。
    协会的MARK LI,JULIANA DING和CHARLES CAI为此计划筹划了数月。约克大学SCHULICH商学院的东亚学生会(SEABA)也作了很大的配合和努力。

  • 19 Sep 2007 4:30 PM | Anonymous
    TCFA will host its annual meeting on October 27, 2007 at Columbia University in the City of New York. 

    This year our conference topic is “China and Global Financial Markets: Challenges and Opportunities”. With months of preparation, we have a very exciting program this year. 

    Jeffery Shafer, Vice Chairman of Citigroup Global Banking, and former Under Secretary of US Treasury, drawing his rich public and private sector experiences, will share his global perspectives.

    It’s hard to discuss financial markets in 2007 without mentioning subprime. Our panelists consist of an investor, an ABS strategist, a representative from rating agency, and a regulator. Through discussions, our panelists will try to address the topic “Subprime: What happened? What went wrong? What’s going to happen?” from their own perspectives.

    Is China stock market a bubble? What are the trends for China asset management and security industries? Senior managers from China will join us sharing their views on these topics. 2007 is also an eventful year for hedge funds and private equity funds. We have sessions addressing challenges and opportunities in these sectors from both USA and China.

    Professor Andy Lo from MIT will share his recent research results in hedge fund risk management and adaptive efficient market. The 2007 TCFA-CICC China Capital Market Best Paper Award competition invites high-quality research in all fields of finance that addresses or offers important implications for key issues in the development of China capital market. We will find out winners during this conference.

    There are a lot of uncertainties in current job markets. What’s the trend for Wall Street job market in 2008? We have representatives try to answer these questions.

    Reception, dinner and entertainment will help you relax and network.

    Please mark your calendars. We will provide details of the program and how to register in a later email.

    Thank you!
  • 15 Sep 2007 3:34 PM | Anonymous
    南京市人民政府代表团定于9月21日(星期五)18时在加拿大多伦多市的Novetel Mississauga举办“南京市政府吸引海外高层次留学人员座谈会”。活动的主要目的是通过座谈交流,鼓励海外高层次留学人员关注南京,以多种方式为 南京经济建设和社会事业发展提供智力服务。会议的主要内容:一是南京市政府鼓励海外留学人员创新创业政策推介;二是了解在加拿大的高层次留学人员所关注的 热点问题,以便使南京市更好地为留学人员提供针对性的服务。会后主办方提供Buffet。
    多伦多座谈会地点:Novetel Mississauga,3670 Hurontario Street, Mississauga, L5B 1P3;电话:905-896-1000
    会务联系人:加拿大“杜威培训中心”张晓静女士(Donna Zhang);电话: 416-558-5145。
  • 29 Aug 2007 1:13 AM | Anonymous
    Dear CCFA members:

    CCFA is launching its first mentorship program in September. We introduce this program because we have witnessed strong demand for mentorship from both people ready to join the workforce and established professionals who recognize the importance of mentoring skills in developing their own careers.

    In this initial program, we have signed up over 30 students from Schulich school of business. They are very eager to leverage the extensive network and professional guidance our members could provide.

    Please contact Charles Cai ( ASAP if you are interested in joining the CCFA mentor team.

    Below is a FAQ regarding the program. Please contact me for the Program Guideline and Application Form.

    Thanks to Mark Li and Juliana Ding who have spent many hours in bringing this program alive.


    CCFA Executive Team

    CCFA Mentorship Program FAQ

    Who can become mentors?
       You do not have to be a senior manager or above to be qualified as a mentor. A mentor is anyone who works in financial industry and is interested in sharing his/her experience and resources and helping the mentees. You may just joined the industry but do have valuable insights to share.

    How much time is required?
       The program is designed with felicity in mind. Generally, the relationship lasts about 4-6 months. Time commitment may be once, twice or more per month, depending on the relationship. It can be face-to-face, or through telephone.

    What if I want to change/terminate the mentorship?
       No problem. If you feel for whatever reason, the relationship is not suitable to continue, please let us know and we will try to either re-arrange or simply inform the other party that the mentorship is over.

    Am I obliged to find a job for the mentee?
    Absolutely not. As stated very clearly, this program is not for job placement.

    What makes a successful mentor?Professionalism is the most important factor. Please be frank, helpful, specific and patient.


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