Canadian Chinese Finance Association (CCFA) welcome you all to the 2020 Canada China Finance Forum (CCFF) - A New Dynamic: Opportunities from China and the West with industry leaders from both sides of the continent.
7 - 10:30 PM December 12, 2020, EST
8 - 11:30 AM December 13, 2020, Beijing Time (GMT+8)
China’s new place in the world economy has created many new investment opportunities across the world despite the headwinds in 2020. With the global economy is slowly regaining its feet, we explore some of the emerging trends and opportunities in this post-pandemic world. We will also look at the current relations between the West and China, and its implications for both institutional and retail investors. In addition, we will take a deep dive into how some firms are using cutting-edge financial technology to create new competitive moats, and how one should best develop their talents in this rapidly evolving world.
2020加中金融论坛: 新机遇新动态
被新冠疫情左右全球关键事件的2020年终于走进尾声。但2021年将会带来什么呢? 它充满了未知也带来无限可能,值得期待。回顾过去展望未来,全球经济步入复苏,我们也来探讨下后疫情的全球趋势和机会。加中金融协会年底巨献2020加中金融论坛。我们非常荣幸地邀请到来自中国和北美的行业领袖,重量级嘉宾共同探讨2021年的市场前景,以及最前沿的金融技术在行业对的应用以及如何在这个充满不确定不断发展的世界中定位自己。
2020最干货云论坛 锁定
东部时间 7pm,December 12,2020
北京时间 8am,December 13,2020