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  • 15 May 2008 1:39 AM | Anonymous
    请在 关心CCFA最新捐款动向。
  • 15 May 2008 1:38 AM | Anonymous
    CCFA为四川地震灾区捐款的近期活动安排如下:大家可以选择自己希望的捐款接收机构以个人支票、现金、现金本票(Money Order/Draft)捐资。

    1.   “爱 心教育基金”(Love Through Education Foundation),为慈善机构。2008年退税收据。请注明为“四川地震急需款项”或“四川学校重建户头”。关于“爱心教育基金”的详细介绍,请见。所有捐款每星期一向国内转达。
    2.   全加华联总会中国四川地震救助基金(China Sichuan Earthquake Relief Fund)。该基金目前在国会议员的帮助下正申请慈善退税待遇。一旦完成申请,立即给所有捐款人发放退税收据。捐款的帐号:04009072;开户银行 为:中国银行(Bank of China)。全部捐款转交中国红十字会。
    3.   中国教育部赈灾基金。用于灾区学校重建。领事馆教育组开具收条。支票请写Consulate General of P.R.C. in Toronto,Education Office。开户银行:RBC帐号:003-06702-1088996
    4.   加拿大红十字会(Canadian Red Cross)。即时免税收据。

  • 15 May 2008 12:30 AM | Anonymous



    本届论坛的主办方之一加中金融协会(是由在加拿大工作的华裔金融界专业人士组成的非牟利机构。协会于2001年成立以来,积极地促进中加金融界在实务和学术方面的交流与合作。论坛的另一个主办方加中专业会计师协会( 是由在加拿大工作多年的具有中国背景的专业会计师组成。协会致力于提高加中两国在会计、审计、税务等相关领域的交流与合作。据了解,2008年CCPAA 温哥华分会即将成立。CCFA会长王体博士,副会长王勇博士,CCPAA会长张晖先生,和副会长林霞女士均出席了论坛并讲话。
    本 届论坛第一个主题--透视美国次级债的起因和影响,是由加拿大皇家银行集团副总裁,全球风险管理部董事总经理王勇博士主讲。 他从美国次级债的起因讲起,介绍了次级债劵市场的发展和演变过程,透彻地分析了按揭资产证券化市场中评级公司,投行的角色,以及复杂交易模型无法量化的流 通性对整个结构性产品及其对全球资本市场的深度影响力。王勇博士透彻独到的分析,旁征博引的内容,诙谐风趣的演讲风格,深受参会者的欢迎,并引发了会场上 的热烈讨论。

    论坛的第二个主题演讲--巴塞尔协议对中国国有银行改制的影响,主讲人是来自普华永道的应春子和郭丽女士。应春子曾就职于 中国建设银行,郭丽曾在汇丰银行(北京)任职。她们一起加入普化永道(北京)为国有银行改制提供咨询和服务。应春子介绍了新巴塞尔协议的框架和要素,以及 应用方面的问题。郭丽则针对新巴塞尔协议在中国的实施作了详尽的介绍。与会听众中不少也是这方面的专家,他们兴致勃勃地和主讲人讨论中加两国银行在应用巴 塞尔协议方面的差异。

    3个小时的论坛很快就过去了,大家意犹未尽!并且翘首以盼下一届论坛。本届是首届加中金融论坛。据了解,论坛将每年 分别在中国和加拿大各举办一次。下一届论坛将于2008年11月在北京举办,届时将邀请中加两国的金融和财务专家共聚一堂,讨论中国资本市场和财务管理方 面的热点话题,为金融财务专业人士提供最新的资讯和交流互动平台。
  • 14 May 2008 7:27 PM | Anonymous
    Dear CCFA members and friends,

    We are all greatly saddened by the recent tragedy happened in China. The earthquake has killed thousands of people and left the lives and dreams of many more shattered. It's heart-breaking to see the parents line up to identify the bodies of their children being dug up from the rubbles.

    The CCFA executive team calls upon our community to donate your time and resources to help relieve the impact of the disaster. Here's what you can do:

    1. Donate money to the charity organizations directly involved in the disaster relief in China
    2. Reach out to your local MP and urge the Canadian government to a) Set up a relief fund for China earthquake; and b) Match citizen's donations dollar for dollar (This was done in the last Asian Tsunami.) 

    Type your postal code here to find the contact info of
    your local MP:

    To maximize the impact of your donation, the following factors need to be considered:
    1. A bank deposit is better than on-line credit card donation as the latter may subject to transaction fees
    2. Some charities have higher expense ratios than others
    3. Some charities e.g. China Red Cross, do not issue receipts that are tax deductible in Canada

    CCFA volunteers have offered to collect the funds and deposit it into the Bank of China (Canada) account set up by the Chinese community in Canada. 
    Account Name: China Sichuan Earthquake Relief Fund(中国四川地震救助基金)
    Account No.:04009072
    This account is in the process of applying charity status, which should be just a matter of time, so that an official tax receipt will be issued later. At this moment, each donor will get a receipt of deposit at the Bank of China. The funds will be send directly to Red Cross of China.

    CCFA Donation Process

    1. Contact one of the following CCFA volunteer to donate before May 23
      Name   Employer   Address   Email   Phone
    Zhen Wu   TD Canada Trust   28th floor, 66 Wellington St. West   416-307-0113
    Diana Zhang   Scoita Bank   29th floor, 40 King Street West   (416) 933-7316
    Elaine Jiang    RBC Dexia   7th Floor, 77 King St. W.   416-9748487
    MARK LI   Toyota Credit Canada Inc.   80 Micro Court, Suite 200, Markham   (905)513-8200 ext. 4240
    Jing Zhang   TD Wealth Management   8th floor, 77 Bloor Street West   416-542-0025
    Michael Liao     BMO Financial Group   23rd Floor, 100 King St West.   416-867-5123
    Yang Han   BMO Financial Group   416-867-7289
    Gary Liang   Schulich Business School   647-989-4368
    Shirley Cai   TD securities   Ernst yonge Tower 10   416 308 3919
    Ritchie He   Royal Bank   

    2. Provide the following information to the CCFA volunteer:
       Phone number
       Preferred charity other than the Bank of China account
       Whether or not you want to have you name appear in the CCFA donation report

    3. CCFA will consolidate all the funds and deposit it into the Bank of China account or other designated charity bank accounts.

    4. CCFA will coordinate the tax receipt for you.
  • 12 May 2008 4:48 PM | Anonymous
    May 12, 2008

    Dear CCFA Members and Friends:
    As we heard this morning with surprise that a strong earthquake of magnitude 7.8 (or 7.9 by U.S. Geological Survey) hit Sichuan, China at 2:28pm Beijing time. As to this moment, it is reported that the loss of life and property is termed as “huge”. More than 9,000 people died so far. We believe that more data are coming. We are closely watching the latest reports.

    On behalf of CCFA, I would like to extend our condolence to whoever suffered from such a tragedy. Also, we ask all CCFA members to show support and offer help in whatever means for the people in that region.

    Thank you for your attention.

    Ti Wang




  • 20 Mar 2008 1:15 AM | Anonymous
    Dear CCFA Members,

    It is the time of the year to renew your CCFA membership. CCFA executive team would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the continued support and contribution throughout the years.

    Why do we need to pay the membership fee? First, the fee helps CCFA to carry out various programs for its members and for the organization. Without your support, we wouldn't have achieved so many great executions in the past year, for example:
    1.  Various professional development seminars
    2.  Risk management training for ICBC (Industrial and Commerce Bank of China) delegates
    3.  “Chunhui Project” to introduce Modern Commercial Banking for BaoTou Commerce Bank in Inner Mongolia
    4.  Mentorship program for MBA students at Schulick School of York University
    5.  Annual Bay Street Chinese Christmas Party.
    6.  Summer B.B.Q. Party
    It also shows the commitment of a member to CCFA.

    When is the annual fee due? Normally, we collect membership fee at the end of each year. However, it is always very busy during the year-end. We decide to move it to the spring of each year.

    What is the difference between a fee-paid member and others? We will try our best to improve the service quality so that our members can benefit from the programs as much as possible. At the same time, we will gradually differentiate fee-paid members from others so that the value of membership stands out. For instance, fee-paid members may enjoy certain privileges in CCFA’s programs and information database.

    Is the membership fee tax exempted? Unfortunately, CCFA is a non-profitable organization but not a charitable or a trade union. All the fee paid is not tax exempted.

    Who controls the fee use? The board of directors, through the executive team, of CCFA. All expenses are approved and cleared by CCFA finance committee and controller.

    In the next year, we are continuing to work on the traditional events as well as exploring new programs and activities with the aim to broaden our members' professional horizon and promote the academic and professional exchange between the Canadian and Chinese financial industries.

    Once again, your ideas and suggestions are always welcome. This is the only way we can make the community a better place!

    Membership Payment
    1.   In terms of the membership renewal, we are collecting the annual membership due of $20 (for 2008-2009). The payment should be received by March 31, 2008.
    2.   If you have paid the fee with a receipt stating for the year 2007-2008, you are exempted. However, in this case you need to inform Juliana by sending email to
    3.   Student membership is NOT collected now.
    4.   You may make the payments by March 31, 2008, in any of the following three manners:
    a)   By personal cheque: payable to
    Canadian-Chinese Finance Association
    and mail to Juliana Ding at

    23rd Floor FCP, Area D,
    100 King Street West,
    Toronto, ON
    M5X 1A1

    b)   By Bank Deposit: A printed receipt should be required at teller desk. A deposit reference number is on the printed receipt. If you do not ask for a PRINTED receipt, tellers do not give you one (business deposit is not like personal deposit). People who have paid by bank deposit should inform us the reference number afterwards via e-mail to
    Bank name:       RBC Royal Bank
    Account name:       Canadian-Chinese Finance Association
    Account number:      00002-101-4836

    c)   By cash: pay to Juliana Ding at

    23rd Floor FCP, Area D,
    100 King Street West,
    Toronto, ON
    M5X 1A1


    CCFA Executive Team, March 20, 2008
  • 14 Dec 2007 12:55 PM | Anonymous

    1.   举办了多次演讲。演讲者有加拿大安大略省驻上海商务代表宋毅军博士、加拿大资本市场妇女协会(WCM)的两位华人代表Jacqui Szeto, Murina Chan等。
    2.   成功为来访的中国工商银行的代表团做现代风险管理的培训。
    3.   CCFA夏日烧烤餐会。(照片:
    4.   组建“春晖计划”赴内蒙古自治区访问团,进行“现代西方金融演讲”。
    5.   推出CCFA和约克大学商学院的“导师制计划”。(照片:
    6.   成功举办了“第15次BAY街中国人圣诞晚会”。(照片:,
    7.   CCFA更新了网站设计,并在不断完善之中。

    在 2008年里,我们将继续扩大CCFA的活动范围,更多地开展有利于我们在事业、生活等方面发展的项目;多为社区做公益活动;加强和其他相关团体的交往; 进一步促进中、加在金融领域的交流。我们也非常希望会员们能积极参与CCFA的建设,多提建议,多为CCFA的活动出力。我们相信,办好CCFA符合在加 拿大的全体中国金融人士的利益,有利于加拿大的金融业的发展。



    Dear CCFA members and friends:

    In 2007, with the help from many of you, CCFA had a very solid and fruitful year. Here are the highlights of some very successful programs:

    1.   Organized a series of professional seminars for members, such as Sino-Canada Trade by Dr. Yijun Song, Bay Street Successful Story by Jacqui Szeto, and Career Development by Murina Chan.
    2.   Trained visiting delegate of ICBC (Industrial and Commerce Bank of China) on Risk Management.
    3.   Held CCFA’s Summer B.B.Q. Party (about 100 people showed up)
    4.   Organized “Chunhui Project” group to introduce Modern Commercial Banking for BaoTou Commerce Bank in Inner Mongolia.
    5.   Launched Mentorship Program for MBA students at Schulick School of York University.
    6.   Organized the 15th Bay Street Chinese Christmas Party (about 250 people attended).
    7.   Revised CCFA’s web design.

    In the coming year, we plan to do more, of course with your continued support.

    On behalf of Executive Team and Board of Directors of CCFA, I wish you and your family a happy and safe holiday season.

    Ti Wang
  • 21 Nov 2007 12:32 AM | Anonymous
    由王勇博士及金燕敏女士翻译的John Hull教授的风险管理专著“Risk Management and Financial Institutions” 已经在国内出版发行,中文版书名为《风险管理与金融机构》。详情请见
  • 24 Oct 2007 11:19 PM | Anonymous
    10月18日晚,多伦多华语社区各界人士聚集多伦多万锦 市,与加拿大史维会多伦多分会负责人共商纪念“南京大屠杀”70周年事宜。来自多伦多国语社区的热心人士通过探讨, 分别从不同角度强调了恢复二战历史真实面目的现实意义, 倡议进一步提高广大民众对这段历史的认知度,以防止该悲剧在人类历史上重演, 推动世界和平进程。


    参加国语社区集会的各界人士出策献力,准备通过各种方式积极参与这些纪念活动, 讨论通过了诸如向各中英文媒体传递信息,引起各族裔的广泛关注; 组织发动各国语社团支持和参加各项纪念活动; 教育下一代牢记历史等议题。计划与各大报刊网站合作, 开设纪念“南京大屠杀”70周年的专栏并在网上发起论坛,吸引民众对此项活动的关注和参与.

    筹款方面希望能在多个场 合售卖“张纯如”电影票及慈善音乐会门票,开展募捐活动, 并将长期协助推售张纯如撰写的《南京大屠杀》等书, 以达教育后代、筹集捐款之目的。据史维会负责人介绍,所筹款项将用于以下几项工作: 推广《张纯如-南京大屠杀》影片(多语种)在全球放映;编印关于亚洲二战历史的教材,分发给加拿大各中学和其它教育团体、图书馆、博物馆等;每年安排加拿 大中学历史教师前往中国了解二战历史等。

    过去一年来,史维会举办了一系列活动以纪念南京大屠杀70周年,包括:视觉艺 术比赛及展览,2007年史实之旅;组织社区联盟,请求加拿大国会支持通过291号动议---促日本政府正式向“慰安妇”做出道歉及赔偿;于5月29日在 环球邮报刊登全页呼吁,促请加拿大政府与人民正视“慰安妇”问题;动援大量义工于华人商场收集4万多个支持“慰安妇”法案的市民签名。

    该 会计划于10月28日(周六)假Premiere Ballroom & Convention Centre举行「南京大屠杀70周年」筹款晚宴,藉以筹募经费。 筹款晚宴中将会放映「张纯如」电影片段,播放2007年史实之旅纪录片,让大家有机会一同分享史维会过去数年的工作报告及成绩,另外,当晚还将有其他精采 节目及悼念活动。
    If you want to show your support, please contact Yong Wang for tickets:
    1). Fundraising dinner ticket on Oct/28 (Saturday) ($70 each)
    2).  Screening of the film "The Rape of Nanking" ($100, price include complimentary copy of "The Nanking Massacre-70 Years of Amnesia" Commemorative Book value $50, and a reception with Iris Chang's parents) on Sunday, Nov/11/07.
    3). Watch the film "The Rape of Nanking" on Nov/20 (Tuesday) at The Bloor Cinema ($30 each including a complimentary copy of the "The Nanking Massacre-70 Years of Amnesia" Commemorative Book).
    4). Concert on Dec/13, the 70th Anniversary of the Nanking Massacre .

    华裔社区共同纪念"南京大屠杀"死难者70周年 - 新闻频道 - CTTV 华人电视台





  • 10 Oct 2007 7:47 AM | Anonymous
    Dear fellow CCFA members:
    It's that time of the year again! It's time for our annual ritual: execute the project to host the Bay Street Chinese Xmas Party!

    So you know what we are after: volunteers to make it happen, volunteers to create yet another memorable event. And we need to put together the following teams:

    1. the MC team. This will be the sole and spirit of the day. Karen and Ken have served very well in the past two years. While they can continue serving us for the foreseeable future, it's a good idea to encourage new faces to stand out, and Karen and Ken have expressed their willingness to offer this wonderful opportunity to show talents to others. Please recommend and encourage those who you think can perform well as an MC to forward their names to We shall have an audition!

    2. the ticket team. We shall need as many volunteers to help distribute the tickets as possible. Please volunteer yourselves to We shall start promoting and selling tickets soon.

    3. the gate-keeper team. This team will help put things in order on the day of the party, including ticket collection, entrance order keeping, and general helpers. Please volunteer yourselves and encourage others to volunteer to or Charles Cai [].

    4. the fund-raising team. Well, you know how important this is. Please forward your ideas to
    And please be prepared to be called upon to help out (so it fares better to volunteer:-)
    Also, we shall continue our tradition of self entertainment; that is, we shall require those who have a talent to show to come out and entertain ourselves. We've tried the "Bay Street Idol" idea. We continue invite all ideas that entertain. Please spread the words, and forward your ideas and names that you recommend for a "talent show" to

    Thank you for your volunteering, and together, let's set up a party that people will long to come!
    CCFA Bay Street Chinese Xmas Party Commettee.


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